youtube-dl, downloading streams (arch/linux/android) #021 em October 31, 2019 android ffmpeg motortrendondemand scrcpy screen share streams termux videos youtube youtube-dl +
Manjaro rolling release updates, uninstalling apps, cleaning cache #019 em October 30, 2019 manjaro rolling release uninstall +
BleachBit, the Manjaro file system cleaner #018 em October 09, 2019 bleachbit ccleaner cleaning manjaro utils +
Launching Dolphin from another application em October 08, 2019 bug KDE Plasma manjaro plasmashell systemd +
s-tui, the Terminal UI stress test and monitoring tool em October 03, 2019 manjaro monitor stress testing +
Manjaro first steps and customization em October 03, 2019 customization kde manjaro panel plasma start menu taskbar +