Manjaro KDE applications, add UAR

Add AUR (Arch User Repository) to have access to the user repository applications, launch pamac-manager (Add/Remove Software), click on 3 lines near the search magnifier, and enable it.

This will allow to install jdownloader and other applications

List of installed apps :

  •  Chromium web browser, named : chromium , web page: link
  •  Media Player Classic  Qute Theater, named : mpc-qt-git  , web page: link 
  •  mpv Media Player, named: mpv, web page: link 
  •  KolourPaint image editor, named : kolurpaint, web page: link  
  •  qbittorrent torrent clien, named : qbittorrent, web page: link
  •  Laptop Mode Tools user interface, named:  tlpui, web page: link 
  •  Terminal UI stress test and monitoring tool, named: s-tui, web page: ink 
  •  Kaffeine media player, named: kaffeine, web page : link
  •  MediaInfo media details, named: mediainfo-gui, web page: link
  •  SpeedCrunch calculator, named: speedcrunch, web page: link
  •  Krusader file browser, name: Krusader, web page: link
  •  conky system monitor, named: conky, web page: link 
  •  Bleachbit cleaner/free disk space, named: bleachbit, web page: link 
  •  nethogs process network usage, name: nethogs, web page: link
  •  brightnessctl to adjust monitor brightness, name: brightnessctl, web page : link
  •  post will be updated
