VHD, VHDX under linux (arch/manjaro) #028

to mount a VHD/VHDX file using vdfuse package, first install it from the AUR repository using pamac-manager, vdfuse .

After instalation it is required to edit the line containing #user_allow_other, remove the #, for that use:

sudo nano /etc/fuse.conf

make two folders, in this case home folder:

mkdir ~/VHDFS
mkdir  ~/Partition1

vdfuse -f VirtualMachine.vhd ~/VHDFS
sudo mount ~/VHDFS/Partition1 ~/Partition1

the folder now contains the files in the VHD.

note: its possible to perform fsck and ntsfix to the ~/VHDFS/Partition1 folder

ntfsfix ~/VHDFS/Partition1

to unmount just:

sudo umount /VHDFS/Partition1
sudo umount /VHDFS
