That Linux distro

Time for some linux in a usb pen so that I can do some development, the candidates are :

  LinuxMint - my old time favorite
  ArchLinux - strongly suggested by a friend
  Manjaro - its mentioned in a lot of web pages I visit

  •  Installed Linux Mint 19.2 tina - cinnamon (64-bit), run really great, however its not "fluid", it slows down from time to time, I still saved it for later in a pen, time to test Arch.

  • About Arch 2019.10.01,  it requested for internet before installation, so, this is a no-no, would not be the first time I need to install an OS in a place without internet an no cell phone service., skip!
  • I can not find Arch with a desktop in a .iso file, well bye bye Arch.

The remaining Linux distro is Manjaro, I choose KDE Plasma 18.1.0 for desktop environment

 download here :  link
 what's new youtube video here : link
