Windows MPC-BE player and LAV filters, Windows mpv build #027

MPC-HC (Home Cinema) is my favorite media player, development was halted , on the project homepage its writen v1.7.13 is released and farewell, dated July 16, 2017. After that a new project was started named Media Player Classic - Black Edition, hosted at sourceforge mpc-be .
Unlike MPC-HC, it doesn't come with LAV filters at the moment I am writing this, so here are the steps to setup Media Player Classic - Black Edition with LAV filters:

download and install LAV Filters from : LAV-Filters

open MPC-BE, go to View > Options > External Filters > Add Filter...

Add both filters and choose Prefer, load a video, go to Play > Filters >  LAV Video Decoder(repeat for LAV Audio decoder)  and to make things easy tick Enable  System Tray Icon

MPV build for windows

MPV is my favorite linux player, to get it in windows download it from link

inside the compress file there is the install folder, launch cmd.exe with administrator privileges, go to %mpvfolder%\installer folder and start mpv-install.bat

after completion, the default program options are available:
in windows, the configuration file is located at %mpvfolder%\mpv\mpv.conf
settings from the mpv post on this blog can be used




A couple of useful mpv hotkeys:

i or I : toggle OSD rendering information
1 or 2 : adjust contrast
3 or 4 : adjust brightness
5 or 6 : adjust gamma
7 or 8 : adjust saturation
p : pause
v : toggle subtitle visibility.
z and Z : adjust subtitle delay by +/- 0.1 seconds
Ctrl+h : toggle hardware decoding options
Ctrl + and - : adjust audio delay (A/V sync) by +/- 0.1 seconds.
Shift+g and f : adjust subtitle font size by +/- 10%.
, or . : previous or next frame
` : show the console (ESC closes it)
